New Directions Logistics


Unfortunately, we have been the victims of identity theft/broker scam. If you have any loads with us please contact our office to verify loads. Sorry for any inconveniences, please bear with us while we rectify this issue. Thank you!


Our Network of Drivers

Over the last 50 years we've developed a strong network with like-minded transportation industry leaders. We strive to consistently provide superior logistics service while maintaining competitive rates.

Our experience allows us to be one of the leaders in the transportation industry. We combine top of the line service with favorable pricing and on time delivery service. Let our experience work for you!


Lowest Rates with Quality

Over our years in the industry we have worked hard to refine our transportation services to fit the continuously changing needs. This has allowed us to provide some of the best rates while maintaining the highest quality service on all deliveries, even with time sensitive loads.

New Directions Logistics strongly believes that it’s imperative that our customers get the absolute best service when they work with us!


50 Years of Consistency

There is a reason we've had the same clients for decades. We continuously deliver on time while staying in budget, allowing your business to successfully grow.

We are happy to offer daily tracking on deliveries as well as satellite communications.

Best rate with quality delivery
